Attemperators, throttle cooling units (TCU)

Application: designed for installation in systems operating under pressure and pipelines (TPP, combined heat and power plants, district power plants and other operations), with appropriate working media and parameters.

Attemperators, throttle cooling units (TCU)

Working medium: water, steam up to 570˚C.


  • Attemperators – devices designed to cool steam passing through them to required parameters by injection of fluid through an injector (nozzle)
  • TCU – devices designed to reduce (throttle) pressure and temperature (cool) the work medium through the use of throttling devices (adjustable or non-adjustable) devices as well injectors (nozzles)


  • Significantly reduced erosive wear due to the triple reduction in the length of the evaporation zone, fine spraying and intensification of heat and mass transfer
  • Film flow of moisture in steam coolers and pipelines is prevented by an improved cooling water injection and spraying system
  • Doubles the service life of the valves used through the use of advanced technology and thermally expanded graphite sealings (KGU, KAGU)